I cannot believe that it is already 2010! This year Christmas came and went so fast, but we had a great time and we were able to do a lot of fun things over the holdiay's. We held to our tradition and went to Salt Lake for the Mormon Tabernace Choir Christmas Concert with Mom, Marianne, Cade and his family.
We went to Lane and Adrianne's Christmas Party and made gingerbread houses. Andrew had so much fun and he was so proud of the house that he made with his Mom!
We spent Christmas in Cedar City this year with Mom, Dad, Shelly, Billy, Samantha and Malia. We have a wonderful family and it was great to be with them over the Holiday's.
Andrew was so much fun this year! He was so excited for Christmas all month long. He learned a lot of the Christmas songs at day care and he would sing them endlessly. He loved all of his presents, but his favorite was his new train.
Dallin had fun playing with the wrapping paper, and Andrew was more then happy to help him open all of his presents.
Curt and I also had a wonderful Christmas. We finally got us a hot tub which we have really enjoyed!
Malia got totally spoiled, but who wouldn't spoil this adorable girl? We sure love baby Mia!
On Christmas day Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Laura and all of her family came for Christmas dinner.
Grandpa had fun playing with Andrew's new helicopter.
After Christmas we went sledding with Grandma LeeAnn. There wasn't much snow, but enough for us to still go sledding. Andrew and Dallin both had a great time. Andrew learned it was more fun to bail out and go tumbling down the hill then to actually sled all the way down. He is such a boy!!!
We had Grandpa & Grandma Crofts, Candace, Chanc and his family over for dinner after Christmas. We opened our presents to eachother and had a great time seeing everyone.